Monday, October 7, 2013

A Government Shutdown Tutorial

1.Why is the government still shut down?
     * Because Republicans still believe they can win

2. What do they want?
      * They want to overturn issues that have already been settled by the democratic process -
         like the Affordable Care Act

3. Why won't Democrats negotiate?
       * Democrats say they won't negotiate 'with a gun pointed at their heads'. Tea Party Republicans
          are indeed holding the government hostage. It would be like saying that they will not let the
          government operate unless they stop sending out Social Security checks. Is this a  legitimate
          subject for negotiation, or should it be decided by elections, the courts, and the legislative process?          

4.  How can this stand off end?
          * There are only two possibilities. Republicans pass a clean continuing resolution (CR) or Democrats
             give in to their demands 

5. Why is it so dangerous to negotiate at this time?
          * It represents government by crisis - resolving this crisis simply puts it off until the next crisis. The
             CR's are only designed to last for a short while - maybe 2 or 3 months. The debt ceiling will only be
             extended for maybe six months. The same battles then begin all over again. The correct process
             is the normal budget process. Both houses of Congress have passed budget bills - that is the
             appropriate vehicle for negotiation

6. Republicans say they will open little pieces of the government - why not go along?
            * This is an arrogant and insidious ploy to choose between different government workers and
               different agencies of government. This small group of legislators will decide who is important and
               who is not. They are not only opting for a government by a minority, their way would actually
               introduce a new form of dictatorship where this elite group of legislators will make the
               rules for everyone. The desires of the majority would be disregarded. What they are doing is
               turning the Constitution on its head.

 7. What is being accomplished by the government shutdown?
            * Nothing. The Congress is already agreeing to provide back pay to all employees currently
               furloughed. While they remain at home they are providing no services to our country or to
               the people

8. Why not send these people back to work so they can at least earn their pay?
            * That would end the fight that the Republicans seem to want to have. Refer back to question 1.

9. How can these Republicans care so llittle about their country and the damage that is being done to the
    American people? How can they continue to allow this to happen over and over again?
            * I can't answer that question

10. What can I and others do?
            * Demand action by Congress. Insist on a clean CR to fund the government long enough to
              negotiate their way out of a budget impasse. Demand the critical debt ceiling be raised and
              not held hostage to more political gamesmanship

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