I've often wondered why there is so much anti-unionism in this country. When we talk about oppressive regimes one of the first characteristics we look for is to see whether labor has the ability to organize. Just one example is the excitement of a Lech Walesa starting Solidarity in Poland which was shared by all Americans. It demonstrated that freedom was indeed coming to Poland, and each success of the Solidarity movement was a victory for American style democracy. Labor organizing seems to be an important quality of our democracy everywhere except in our own United States. Union membership currently is hovering around 7% across the country which is cause for great joy among conservatives and Republicans.
I understand that Unions have made many mistakes over the years in this country. I understand that there has been corruption. I understand that they have overreached. I even understand that the contracts they have won need to be modified in some cases. However, I thought the current economic problems were the result, not of unions, but of business on Wall Street. Unless I'm mistaken we are where we are because Wall Street has made mistakes. Wall Street has been corrupt. Wall Stret has overreached. It is Wall Street that has operated without regard for rules or constraints on their behavior. Yet we provided 700 billion, nay, more than a trillion dollars, to bailout Wall Street, but could find not a dime to help the likes of General Motors or Ford. No wonder Republicans have developed a reputation for being mean spirited.
We have been told repeatedly that bankruptcy is the best option for Detroit. The best option for whom? Bankruptcy will allow the companies to restructure and abrogate their union contracts. That's the real message. They want to make sure that the Union does not even have the right to negotiate necessary changes to the contract with management. The UAW has shown itself ready to make appropriate concessions and has indeed already made many of them, but these senate power brokers want to literally kill the union. We are in danger of watching the vaunted middle class of this country continue to shrink as we watch the rich continue to get richer.
We know that eight Republican senators from southern states that have contracts with non Detroit car makers voted in a solid bloc to deny money for Detroit. Was there any statesmanship in such voting? There seems to have been a determination to protect industry in its own backyard, and contribute to the demise of the Big Three. They have demanded that the union accept the same terms as companies operating in the south in order to receive any kind of bailout. Such coercive micromanaging at the congressional level sounds strange coming from Republicans. Sometimes I wonder what do they really believe. It is also important to note that currently there is very little difference in the wages of auto workers whether union or non union. The union is rightly trying to protect its current retirees who depend on their pensions to live on. These retirees gave their best years to the auto companies and are right to expect contracts with the company to be honored. I thought most Republican businessmen believed in the sacredness of contracts. I guess that applies only when the contracts protect their own interests.
Another favorite Republican campaign cry is that Democrats are playing class warfare. The whole bailout history demonstrates that it is Republicans who are playing hardball class warfare. We have to bailout our friends in wall street, but the blue collar workers not only can, but must go down the tubes so that our friends can make even more money. When Unionism is completely destroyed in this country maybe we will be able to think back to a time when the lower classes were not oppressed. Maybe we can look to Poland as an example of what workers in the United States might aspire to. Maybe we can hope that the time will come again when the right of U.S. workers to organize will not be denigrated and impeded by those with power and wealth.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
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Very well written. You have expressed what should be obvious. Where are all the radio and tv commentators on this topic??? Why doesn't Rush and his friends identify this issue?
It is exciting to get a comment on my Blog. I hope you will get my comment on your comment. President Bush said he was going to bail out GM and Chrysler. When is he going to do it? The companies will be bankrupt before he gets around to it.
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