Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gas Tax Suspension

After writing the Epistle to the Romans yesterday, today definitely seems like a day for a brief entry. Therefore, the gas tax suspension seems like a topic that probably only warrants a few words.
Everybody knows the suspension of the gas tax for the summer is not a long term answer for the energy crisis. The inflamed rhetoric about how it will destroy our country seems a bit over heated. Once again, it appears that the Democratic elites and their media friends are proving Hillary Clinton's point. They simply do not understand and therefore cannot connect with ordinary people who are struggling day to day. Providing a tiny bit of relief to people who need every break they can get, doesn't seem so terrible to folks who can use a helping hand. It might just seem like someone cares about them.
Also, if we had mapped out an energy strategy that we could point to, that would essentially solve this problem in two, five, or even ten years, then maybe we shouldn't do the gas tax suspension. We don't yet even know which alternative fuels are going to help solve this problem, and we certainly don't know what legislation the Congress will ultimately pass.
So is it pandering - probably. Is it not a good idea - probably. Is it a terrible idea that is going to cause huge problems - No it's not. It is not a bad idea to try to do something to help the poor (check out the Sermon on the Mount). We never seem to have a problem spending billions to help the rich. Three months without the federal gas tax will not destroy this country, but if it helps a few people get back and forth to work for the summer maybe it's not such a bad idea.
Hillary for vice-president!


marites said...

I think the gas tax holiday is a good idea. I think people are claiming that it's a bad idea because they support Obama. If Obama came up with the idea, I'm sure the media and all of his supporters would sing his praises. In fact, I think many people secretly believe that the gas tax holiday is a great idea. After all, who doesn't want to save a few dollars on gas?

Go Hillary!

Unknown said...

I think you touched on two important points: 1) The gas tax suspension is not going to solve our energy problems, but it's also unlikely to cause any permanent damage; and 2) (And I think much more importantly) The real problem is there is no coherent, comprehensive national strategy for converting to alternative fuels.

I don't have a major problem with a politician doing some pandering. I'd prefer it didn't happen, but it is politics after all. What I really care about is a group of leaders with the political courage to make some serious committments to cutting carbon emissions and increasing the use of alternative fuels.

Reese said...

I wouldn't mind a targeted gas tax holiday. Something for independent truckers (diesel only)that are in danger of going out of business. I think a gas tax holiday that is all encompassing gives too much comfort to the SUV crowd and should therefor be avoided.

Pat's Post said...

I really like your idea about helping out the truckers. I assume that if in fact there were any kind of a gas tax suspension it would include diesel, but I really don't know.
Pat's Post