Democrats need to Fight for Victory in 2014
As the mid term elections draw closer it seems as if the outcome has already been determined. The Republicans will hold onto and likely expand their margin of seats in the House of Representatives. There appears to be a very good chance that they may gain control of the Senate as well.
I believe the analysis is sound, and generally concur with this scenario. The demographics are clear, and the effects of gerrymandered districts are unassailable. But my question is why should this be true, and what are the Democrats going to do to prevent the inevitable from occurring.
Most Democratic commentators have already moved on to the presidential election of 2016, and seem content to proclaim that the demographics portend victory regardless of the candidates. There is no way a Republican can win the presidency in 2016, they say. Assuming this is true, what about the damage a 2014 Republican sweep can create over the next two years? Even greater gridlock will reign and the last two years of the Obama presidency will be a veritable disaster.
Yet, I refuse to believe that all is lost in 2014. What have the Republicans offered to merit victory in the upcoming elections? What reason can even a loyal conservative Republican have for continuing to elect those who have served in the Congress over the past 5 or 6 years? Lets look at the record.
Since 2008 at the height of the economic collapse of the Bush presidency, Republicans in large measure failed to cooperate in the efforts to save the country. They continue to call these essential measures totally wrong even now. It was Democrats who worked with Secretary Hank Paulson to prevent a complete collapse of the country.
Since then the party of No has distinguished itself in the following ways. They have said no to background checks for firearms. They have also resisted immigration reform. They introduced a budget that would have ended medicare as we know it. They succeeded in shutting down the government to fight against Obamacare, and came close to allowing the government to go into default and be unable to pay its bills.
Every issue that arose to try to provide greater opportunities for all Americans has been rejected. They have been against every effort to reduce income inequality. They have blocked an extension of unemployment benefits, as well as efforts to raise the minimum wage. What should have been a bipartisan infrastructure program to grow the economy and create jobs was also rejected.
Most incredinble of all has been their response to the Affordable Health Care Act. We know they have been and continue to be against it. Yet, now that the bungled roll out has been corrected, millions of Americans are signing up and gaining affordable and worthwhile health insurance. Now, Republicans seek to actually take health care away from those who have just gotten it, often for the first time.
What they have done regarding a failure to extend medicaid benefits to those in their states lacking coverage borders on the criminal. The federal government is paying 100% of the cost to expand medicare and will continue to pay 90% of the cost after 3 years. The money has already been allocated. Yet several Republican governors are in a position of denying benefits to thousands of residents of their states who desperately need coverage.
A brand new budget has just been released by Paul Ryan and the Republicans that seeks to severely cut or eliminate every program designed to help the poor. Yet they are more than willing to help the rich by giving them more money in tax cuts. Why is it only the poor that need to be helped by taking money away from them?
I really don't see how any hard working American in any state can feel good about what the Republicans have had to offer them over the last six years. I realize that people often vote against their own economic interests. They do that only because they don't realize the consequences of what is happening. It is up to the Democrats to make sure that every voter understands the damage that is being done by current right wing efforts.
I believe that any Democratic candidate for office, even in the Republican south, has ample amunition to fight entrenched Republican candidates based on the record. It is important that all Americans understand what the Republicans have done over the past 6 years, They should not be rewarded with another opportunity to do more damage.
It is certainly true that strong get out the vote efforts are essential. Many Democratic voters fail to vote in midterm elections. They need to be made to feel the urgency of this particular election.
Yet it seems to me that Democrats need to do more than just preach to the choir. They need to go into every hill and valley and make clear what the stakes are in this election. They need to clarify the record of Republicans over the last six years, and demonstrate how that record has harmed Americans up and down the political spectrum. Only the wealthiest few in our country have benefited. Democrats cannot afford to hide their record, run from the Affordable Care Act, and try to be Republican light. They have the right record, the right issues, and the best solutions. They cannot be afraid to tell their story and show what they have to offer. The midterm elesctions can yet be a year of surprises if we don't throw in the towel before the battle is waged.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
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